The burger & fries class was a big sucess.  Thank you Sharon for doing all the dishes.  You were a huge help for the ole sensei.  The kids had a lot of fun and the comment on the burgers from little Bryce was they were the most delicious burgers he ever ate.  That makes me happy. He gobbled it down before everyone sat down for dinner. 
The kids shucked corn, grounded free range pork and beef.  Now if it was a Kosher party we would only have used beef.  Made ready the poatoes for the baked French fries and ambrosia salad.  I had to start the Boston baked beans two days ahead.  Little did I know it would take more than 5 hours to make. 
The S'mores were on the kids mind right after dinner but they had to do dishes first.  The kids did a great job drying dishes. 
My poor feet were very tired but I had a wonderful time with the kids. 
Sharon Watanabe
5/15/2010 02:40:05 am

Bryce, had a wonderful time learning the detailed and complex work that
goes into creating a simple hamburger. The children loved the sense of accomplishment of a job well done. A fun time was had by all.

Cristiane Stoll
5/17/2010 01:46:41 pm

Eric simply loved the cooking class with Sensei Kathi. His favorite part was grinding the meat. He enjoyed every single creation as well as all the preparation. I would like to thank Sensei Kathi for putting together such a wonderful class. Most kids have no idea how much work it is to prepare a meal, especially a fresh and organic meal. We are looking forward to getting together again next month.


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