We had a wonderful group of kids at our Italian Dinner Cooking class.
Started off with an Anti Pasta, this consists of Vegetable crackers, deli meats, cheeses and olives.  Then we made a home made tomato sauce.  The kids pounded out the free range chicken breasts which we breaded and fried them up.  We used fresh Mozzarella cheese and Provolone cheese.  WE made organic broccoli.  The kids made homemade Caesar salad with real anchovies.  Yummy is all they could say when they ate their salad.  For dessert we had chocolate, chocolate chip cookies with Dryers cookies and cream ice cream.  All the children then set the table for an amazing dinner.  We asked the kids how was dinner…..they all gave a double thumbs up.    

2/14/2011 11:10:03 pm

You had an outstanding setup. I wish I had classes like this when I was younger. The food was sooooooooo good. My daughter thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you Sensei Kathi!!!!!

Kristy spencer
2/16/2011 08:28:45 am

I loved it. It was so much fun. I look forward to taking another class. Thank you


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